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Under normal circumstances, stainless steel doors will not rust. However, if improper use or maintenance, or stainless steel in the environment is too harsh, stainless steel doors may appear rust phenomenon. When we see the yellow or orange rust spots on the surface of the steel, we can quickly confirm that this is a sign of rust.

Why do stainless steel security doors rust?

First let's understand the structure of stainless steel: Stainless steel is a crystal solid composed of similar patchwork toys generally arranged by atoms. In addition to iron, it also contains its metallic components such as chromium, nickel and mantle. The chromium and nickel elements have an anti-rust function, which forms a protective film - a pure state film, preventing stainless steel from rusting. In general, as long as this film is not damaged, broken or contaminated by impurities, stainless steel will not rust. However, if the film is damaged by improper use or maintenance, the stainless steel will rust.

What should we do when stainless steel rusts?

1, use the appropriate tools: When cleaning your stainless steel, be careful and use tools that are not abrasive. Soft cloth and plastic wipe will not damage the surface layer of stainless steel. Of course, you can also use stainless steel cleaning ball, but must be in accordance with the manufacturer's polishing mark wipe.
2, according to the direction of the polishing line cleaning: some stainless steel surface polishing lines or "texture". If there are polished lines, you must wipe in the direction of the polished line equal to the polished line, if the texture is not visible, then you have to be careful, use a soft cloth or plastic pad to wipe.
3. Use shouting, chlorinated alkaline or non-bleach detergents: Many traditional washes contain bleach, and now industry is starting to offer more bleach-free detergents. If they tell you that the detergent you are using contains bleach, ask if they have any other options. They may have a bleach-free detergent available.
Choose. And of course, avoid detergents that contain chlorine salts. 

4. Purify your water: Although not very practical, softening hard water does reduce a lot of sediment. Installing a filter can filter out these odorless and corrosive components. Putting salt in the water softener will also help. If you are not very sure about the method of water purification, you can call the water treatment experts to consult 

5, to ensure that your food equipment clean and sanitary: according to the recommended use of a certain strength alkaline, containing chlorinated alkali, not bleach detergent, frequent cleaning to avoid hard adhesion. If you boil water with stainless steel equipment, remember that the most likely cause of damage to the stainless steel rust-proof layer is the bleach in the water and the hardness of the water. Combined bleach detergent will produce the same bad effect after heating.

6, rinse, rinse, rinse: If you use a detergent containing bleach, you must rinse, rinse, rinse, and wipe clean immediately. Especially the suspended water with detergent inside, the faster you wipe dry, the better. After drying the equipment, air dry it naturally because oxygen protects the stainless steel bell state acting film.


Useluck Door as a domestic excellent security door supplier, our standard style security door accessories are used domestic first-class brand supplier products, we can also according to the customer selected accessories brand to purchase, by our purchase can not only guarantee the genuine product can also be lower price. We can also customize bathroom doors, security doors, fire-proof doors, American-style doors, etc.

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أوسيلوك غيت
المكتب : رقم 1 بناء 1401-1 من أطلال العالم بناء ، مدينة هانغتشو بمقاطعة تشجيانغ ، والصين . ديف
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